The Beatles Vs The Stones - Animation by Dog and Rabbit

In Dog & Rabbit's animation "The Beatles Vs The Stones," the timeless rivalry between these two legendary music groups is reignited. This animated production brings to life the iconic album covers of both rock bands.

What initially began as amusing adaptations of album art evolved into a heartfelt endeavor for Andrew Kelleher. "I have a deep passion for music (especially the good kind), and bringing to life this collection of iconic and sometimes unconventional album covers was an absolute joy. It was a delightful experience to create, from inception to completion," expressed Kelleher. In the process of creating the film, Kelleher skillfully edited, reconfigured, and combined existing photographs with hand-drawn elements contributed by fellow animators Sanjana Chandrasekhar and Hannah Brewerton.

Music by Ollie DYG. Sound design by Nigel Manington.

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