The story follows Alison, a young girl who has been on the run her entire life. She possesses extraordinary abilities as an alius, a human genetically blessed with unique powers. In her world, alius individuals like her are hunted down and feared.
Alison's existence becomes a threat to the boy, whose world is vulnerable to her destructive powers. Their paths cross, and their destinies become entwined. As they navigate through their intertwined fates, they must confront the challenges and dangers that arise from their connection.
"Deathbound" is a tale of adventure, love, and the struggle for survival in a world where extraordinary abilities come at a great cost. It explores themes of identity, power, and the consequences of choices made in the face of adversity.
If you're interested in delving into a thrilling story filled with suspense, action, and a touch of romance, Deathbound by iamrurumonster is a book worth exploring. It is written in Taglish (Tagalog and English). The stunning book cover was made by @cgthreena. It won the Wattys 2016 for the Trailblazer Category. All in all it was a fun read and not your typical type of dystopian fantasy story.
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